Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Base line riding

Ok, so I wasn't planning to ride today. I didn't get a chance to ride before work this morning and my girlfriend came over after work because she was leaving to go back to school tonight and wanted to see me before she left. I ended up, after she left, putting in 45 minutes on the stationary at 11PM. Felt good to get back in the saddle, but my tendons just aren't used to this anymore...take a month off riding and your body wastes no time in getting out of shape.

So, I figured this would be a good starting point for all of this. It may have been a weird time to ride, being 11PM, and it may have been a short ride, only 45 minutes, but even the small odd rides here and there, at 11PM even, can add up in the long term.

Till next time, keep spinning.

Welcome to The Atlanta Cyclist

I am starting this, today, as a project to motivate myself ,maybe others as well, to have a dream and to do something and push themselves towards that dream. I will be keeping a log of all the cycling I do here, as well as posting information about upcoming cycling events and tips to help you with your own training and preparation for cycling events.

I hope you all find the information that will be presented on here to be helpful, informative and motivating.

- Ted